Monday, August 27, 2007

A letter, a thought, a promise

written aug. 20, 2007 12:15pm
Nine years ago today, August 20, 1998, Raul suffered this TBI (traumatic brain injury)in Salmon, Idaho while transporting fire equipment to a Salmon, Idaho firecamp site. Nine Years!
He was driving a beautiful white tractor and hauling an almost 40 foot trailer filled with supplies whose brakes failed and he ended up hitting another government truck -- utility truck-- and rolled his own. The two in the utility truck walked away fine. Raul had to be cut out of the truck losing consciousness once they had him out of the truck and transporting him to the ambulance. When he woke he found that he was in a Hospital.

It was this very hour on that day that I discovered he'd been in this accident one hour earlier.

Today. instead of mourning the loss of that man I married just four years earlier (September 24, 1994), I have decided to Celebrate. I do not yet know what we will be Celebrating -- but, Celebrate we will.

Life is not easy since this TBI came to live with us, but happier I know I can be and that is what I will strive for. I can't bring the original love of my life back home, but I know that I can get my happy back because I am the one who allowed it to separate from me. Not on purpose, and maybe just part of life and the journey but I think it is time to get Ema back -- a better Ema.


DCeroniWrites said...

Hello Ema!
It seems we have our struggle in common and I know that with HIS help we can become better and not bitter about our circumstances. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to keeping in touch through the pw list and via email for encouragement. :-) BTW, you should pursue writing as I think you're blog is great!
Hugs, Donna/IL

Ema said...

Hi Donna
We do have a common bond -- yes, and we will both become better because neither of us will allow ourselves to become bitter, God forbid.
Aren't we so blessed to be living in this time of eCommunication! Yes! we are. I often wonder how life would have been without this little machine on my lap here these last 9 years --I would have been -- I mean, lonelier, lol.